
Hi! I am Tasya, an ordinary teenage girl who is considered as a food and photography enthusiast, currently in my high school freshmen year. I live for my entire life in this big city, with big flavor, Jakarta, and I am so excited to try new culinary here at this city and also all other places around the world. 
I am inspired by the beauty of food as its always admire me and eager me to try more and more new things, what we can evolve with it and what we can learn from it.
This food blog is about variety taste of food in different places and what does food and eating mean to society from different generation in fulfilling their life. There will be a lot of interesting places that you might like to visit and also there are recipes for you to try by yourself at home.
Other rewarding aspect of making this blog is to connect with food lovers out there by sharing my experience that I find truly worthy to share. I hope you enjoy this blog and visit this blog again soon.